22 January 2009
7:41 PM
Another product of the creative run I've allowed myself to have in the last week. This bracelet spells "try". It's remarkable how little time there is for jewelry in the jewelry business. I've got a taxes to prepare, a trade show to prepare for, all kinds of other marks to hit and commitments to keep and I actually feel guilty creating the thing that got me here in the first place!
"Try" is made with solid sterling, Swarovski, and imported glass rings (stuffed with the sterling). It's a concept I've been playing with for months; the idea of "stuffing" these little rings with sterling or crystal. The whole idea of how materials could fit together like it was meant to be, when, in fact, they came from completely different manufacturers from completely different cultures and points on the globe, eastern Europe (glass) and Austria (crystal) or America (sterling) just fascinates me. It's almost like I'll have a little bit of the answer of how we all fit together as humans, maybe just a glimpse of the answer... just briefly whispering, just out of earshot, every time I successfully complete one in that concept.
Colorado Rocky Mountain High....
6:23 PM
ABOVE: "Family" is "spelled" in bronzite (brown), agate (hot pink), sterling, and two other minerals (the blue & purple) that I have to ask my gem lady how to spell and pronounce! (The blue looks like turquoise but isn't.) The focal bead is the most fascinating sort of pale flourescent green mineral called chrysophrase.
Gift Shop Magazine ran morse code jewelry as a "Fab Find" and as a result, I've been getting some phone calls from some interesting area codes. The one that has kept me the busiest has been a new client by the name of Gloria who owns a boutique half way between Colorado Springs and... I forget where, but it sounded lovely! Anyway, she filled my head with ideas and here is the first result. I haven't even emailed her yet with all the buying information for this necklace! She told me that her clientele, quite unsurprisingly, liked turquoise and purples and the colors of nature and such, and though she didn't specifically ask for a necklace to be made, I just couldn't help myself. I don't typically work in "southwestern" typed themes, and I don't think that is exactly what was achieved here, but I think it speaks to what she was looking for.
In between answering the phone and bouncing from client to client, I've been to the pediatrician three times since last Friday with one or another of my girls with one or another very ordinary ailment, but one that needs attention... When I showed up today I thought they were going to give me my mail and slippers!
I'm also sorry that I have not taken more pictures of the ridiculously beautiful snow covered world I'm living in here in south coast Mass. The branches have been hanging onto the snow that has been falling on them on and off over the last week and it's a wonderland.
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