30 April 2010

"Crime Inc" or "The Chicago Mob's Excellent Adventure to the White House"

If you missed the Glenn Beck show this week (or believe him to be a fat, crying, rodeo clown with zero credibility so you always miss it) then you missed Monday's & Thursday's jaw dropping, stupefying, damned near death-defying expose he did on Obama's little ten trillion dollar footsie game with a hitherto innocuous CCX (Chicago Carbon Exchange) and one not so innocuous Goldman Sachs.  There are other players, notably Albert Gore. The whole pile of dough hinges on a little bill known as "Cap & Trade." Note: our entire gross domestic product is roughly fourteen trillion. If this thing goes, it will mean ten trillion.... per year.

Getting the picture how big and bad and dirty this is? Does it clean it up at all to know that the whole thing got started the day after Obama was elected Senator in 2006 and culminated with a private Oval Office meeting with Goldman Sach's poobah Blankfein about ten days before the congressional spanking they took for their oh so bad behavior? Beck was curious about the timing, too. 

And then got curiouser and curiouser...

See his Thursday show notes/video here

SOME incredibly talented individual put together this four page PDF of the CCX scandal.  Don't know who, but the link to the original site of the pdf is below. Someone on Twitter linked to it. WOW.

Original source of the four brilliant panels above: