14 February 2010

Break Out the Bell Bottoms, Baby!

Time Magazine, December 1973.  Back then it was The Coming Ice Age.  I remember being in grade school and being scared to death that glaciers were coming down from Canada... It's all cr-p, and anyone who isn't concerned with fashion knows it.  Besides which, it's arrogant as all hell to think that man can move the heavens... Give me a break.  The same narcissism that made Obama transformed Global Warming into "Climate Change."

And this just in.....

February 14, 2010

Climategate's Phil Jones Confesses to Climate Fraud

By Marc Sheppard
By now, Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) should require no introduction, so let’s get right to it.  In a BBC Q&A and corresponding interview released Friday, the discredited Climategate conspirator revealed a number of surprising insights into his true climate beliefs, the most shocking of which was that 20th-century global warming may not have been unprecedented.  As the entire anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory is predicated on correlation with rising CO2 levels, this first-such confession from an IPCC senior scientist is nothing short of earth-shattering.

Of course, much will be made of Jones’s claim that the refusal to share raw temperature data was partially based on the fact that it “was not well enough organized.” And rightly so, as the very idea that the major datasets CRU released for use in vital anomaly and temperature reconstructions were based on data not “organized” enough to be made public reeks of fraudulent behavior.

See the entire article in The American Thinker here.

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