"He who shall not be named" - noted as "He" below (because the mere mention of his name makes some otherwise rational people irrational) ran through some famous political lies yesterday. Here are the Obama / ACORN lies that MSNBC/CBS/ABC/NBC/CNN/NYTIMES ignore because there's so much more important reporting to do. Like when the AP had ELEVEN reporters reading Sarah Palin's book and revealed... NOTHING. Like our friend Rachel Maddow who, last night, I swear to God, I'm not making this up, did an entire segment on why dogs bark. Really. You can't make this stuff up. The country economic structure is falling off a cliff, and she's devoting precious airtime on "The Place for Politics" to why dogs bark and her continuing series on Republican senators & congressman who didn't vote for the stimulus package posing for pictures with ARRA funded recipients... How about doing some work on the policies this adminstration supports that are HOSTILE to the free enterprise system? How about doing some reporting on all the business gasping and starving and dying and WHY they're gasping and starving and dying? Nah. That's icky. Let's all just have a group hug.
"He" And then there's this example, which mysteriously has drawn a chorus of yawns from the media: President Obama, while on the campaign trail, was asked about his relationship with ACORN. Here's how he responded:
THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: My relationship to ACORN is pretty straightforward. When... it's probably 13 years ago, when I was still practicing law, I represented ACORN. And my partner in that representation was the U.S. Justice Department, in having Illinois implement what was called the Motor Voter Law.
"He" That sounds so straightforward: He's got nothing to do with them. It's no big deal. But I want you to know this wasn't an isolated incident. Here he is again, this time at a presidential debate:
OBAMA: It had nothing to do with us. We were not involved. The only involvement I've had with ACORN was I represented them alongside the U.S. Justice Department in making Illinois implement a Motor Voter Law.
"He" OK — got it? Nothing to do with ACORN. Now, in the very same election campaign — in a video clip uncovered during a House investigation by Congressman Issa — here's what Obama said when being interviewed by ACORN, about a year before he was elected:
When I ran Project Vote, voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it.
Once I was elected, there wasn't a campaign that ACORN worked on down in Springfield that I wasn't right there with you.
Since I've been in the United States Senate, I've been always a partner with ACORN as well.
I've been fighting with ACORN, along side ACORN, on issues you care about, my entire career.
"He" Did we somehow misunderstand him? Is there another definition of "is" that I missed in this statement? In the same campaign season, he says these two statements:
OBAMA: And I definitely welcome ACORN's input. You don't have to ask me about that, I'm going to call you, even if you, if you didn't ask me.
OBAMA:: It had nothing to do with us. We were not involved.
"He" How do you make that work in your head and sleep at night? Here's the next question: How does the media sleep at night? Here is the president claiming he has nothing to do with a scandal-ridden organization, when in reality he's saying "I'll call you first"? On the very same day ACORN is in the news for dissolving nationally, the media has to go out of their way to miss this! Why are they silent?
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