10 February 2010

Tea Party Truths

From Jay Severin, 2pm-6pm, M-F, 96.9FM, Boston
One of the greatest lies told by the establishment media about the Tea Party Movement is this: "these people come from all across the political spectrum - left and right and center." Twaddle. Oddly, suddenly, we cannot recognize nor characterize someone who is: pro-small government pro-tax cut pro- defense pro-border enforcement pro-English as official language pro-fiscal responsibility pro-law enforcement pro-USA jobs pro-state's rights pro-term limits pro-life. ...which virtually All Tea Partiers are. Gee, permit me to be of service. We have a name for someone like this: "Conservative" (as in "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the USA). And That is what we Tea Party People are. Conservatives. JS

The first twenty minutes of his show everyday are mandatory listening for me.  He's usually loaded with all kinds of information and analysis that I get from no other source, local or national, and he has a nearly perfect track record of being dead on right...

That's not to say he doesn't have a certain, disturbing Vampire like quality to his personae and personal habits, heaven knows, but if you just "close your eyes and think of England" he'll fill your head with all kinds of fascinating tidbits.

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