01 January 2009
A Call to the Sovereign Bank People I Met...
1:18 PM

Okay... Clearly I need to get out more, but I've wondered about everyone I met while at Sovereign Bank in December. There were so many interesting people. So much human drama! Send me an email, will you? You know who you are. Here's my email: annie @mcjusa.com
posted by annie fields |
After the Storm
10:05 AM

Here's the same view of the front yard as the previous post.
That's the Atlantic Ocean way out there, beyond the peninsula of land belonging to neighboring Scituate known as Humarock, The South River, marshland, and Tilden Island on the left.
If you click on the picture, you will see a much enlarged view, and you will see the row of all the houses on Humarock, which, during the Great Blizzard of 1978 were swept out to sea. When we moved here we asked the neighbors who had been here for it if they "Sipped martinis and watched Humarock wash away," and they said, in essense, "Yeah. What else would one do?" (They're not that callous, really! But that was the sum and total of what happened!)
Sometimes we hear rifle fire from hunters coming from the island. I didn't know what it was! I had to ask Mike, who grew up in the mean streets of Stockton, CA, to tell me what the sound of gunfire was!
In any event, as stated in morse code jewelry's literature, it was just off the the right of the frame of this photo, just a little further along the coast where Reginald Fessendon made his historic radio exchange. morse code jewelry really is made within sight of the waters where that forgotten piece of radio history was made. It's not jive!
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