19 March 2010

"Slaughter" Then & Now

Remember a few months ago when Zsa-Zsa...er.... Ariana Huffington did what appears to be endemic at MSNBC--twist, distort, and obfuscate the facts to make some sort of ridiculous point--this time over Glenn Beck's use of the word "slaughter"? These people are such soulless gasbags that if someone said "Hitler was a vegetarian" they would deem (pardon the timely pun of "deem") the utterer to be a Nazi sympathizer. (Hitler was a vegetarian. And by all accounts was faithful to Eva Braun... Those are facts. Doesn't change the other horrible, evil, inhuman, inexcusable, utterly despicable facts of his very existence, but the fidelity and vegetarianism are true.)

Well, Glenn has rightly been all over the anarchy taking place down in DC this weekend with the bloodless coup about to give us Cuban healthcare via the "Slaughter Rule."

Some men are born to greatness, other just step in it! Glenn... you have done both on a gargantuan, American, Patriotic scale!

Roger Ailes Warns Fox News Staffers Not To Attack Glenn Beck

Roger Ailes Warns Fox News Staffers Not To Attack Glenn Beck

A Thousand Words

Everything you need to know about who is who in this fight is captured in these two photos headlining Drudge right now.  One is a "paid" operative with a paid for printed sign (See Obama's Organizing for America logo on top?).  The other is a homemade sign (No Socialized Medicine) with people who I would bet my house have never marched in protest before (or not since the 60's) and are doing so for FREE and in honor of our FOUNDING PRINCIPLES.

Viral Video Transcript - Remembering WHO WE ARE AS AMERICANS

This video has gone viral. I'm not one for watching these things, they feel too much like propaganda even when I agree with them (!) so feel free to just read the transcript below. You can watch the whole thing without volume because the text runs over the video through the whole thing...

Transcript – We The People by Nos Populus

Dear President Obama,

“We The People” have stated resolutely we reject your vision for our country. You claim you have not heard us.

“We The People” have assembled across America resisting your efforts to subvert our constitution and undermine our liberty. You claim you have not seen us.

Since you have not acknowledged our message, let us here present it once more for if as President Wilson said, “a leader’s ear must ring with the voices of the people,” the time has come.

Our greatest treasure is freedom – the absence of restraints on our ability to think and to act. The corollary of freedom is individual responsibility. We believe in the power of the individual.

A few years ago President Bush said, “History moves toward freedom because the desire for freedom is written in every human heart.” Let us add that we will preserve it only as long as devotion to freedom is expressed in the heart of our actions.

When President Lincoln dedicated Gettysburg National Cemetery he declared, “It is for us the living to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus so nobly advanced.”

That unfinished cause for which our soldiers willingly go to battle and for which so many have given their lives is a free United States of America. It has been nearly one hundred fifty years and the work President Lincoln spoke of is not finished. In fact, that work will never be finished.

Freedom is the capacity of self-determination. It is not an entity but a condition and conditions change. Freedom can expand, yet so can it contract.

You promised change when you took office, Mr. President, but subjugation is not change we wanted or will accept.

You have expanded government, violated our Constitution, confounded laws, seized private industry, destroyed jobs, perverted our economy, curtailed free speech, corrupted our currency, weakened our national security, and endangered our sovereignty.

By compromising our nation’s cultural, legal and economic institutions, you are ensuring that our children will never achieve the same quality of life as we enjoy today. Through generational theft you are robbing the unborn of opportunity.

This is not acceptable. Not in America. We did not become a strong nation through hope but rather through self-reliance.

No one better understands the relationship between individual achievement, dignity and strength than our armed forces. Through every war our soldiers have held this nation’s destiny in their hands. They have not failed us. They cherish freedom enough that they are willing to die for it.

Our duty to them and to ourselves is to treasure freedom enough to live up to it.

We accept the challenge, Mr. President. That is why we are assembling across the land to deliver our message to you as often and in every way we can. Dismiss us at your political peril.

Our great nation is a Republic. We will not accept tyranny under any guise. Your policy to redistribute the fruits of our labor is Statism and will not be tolerated.

By our honor, Mr. President, we vow forever to resist coercive government in America. Patriots will not stand silent as you attempt to dismantle the greatest nation on earth. “We The People” will defend our liberty. We will protect our beloved country and America’s exceptionalism will prevail.

God Bless the United States of America!


We The People

P.3. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About.... (gasp!) HISTORY!

This was one of those shows when Beck musta had an extra Diet Coke and too many M&M's... He was on a tear... In a GOOD way. One of those shows where he packs all kinds of stuff he has previously lingered over into clip after clip and just hammers his point home.

Glenn Beck: What Changed Dennis Kucinich's Mind? March 18, 2010 - 2:33 ET

 Glenn Beck weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel
Wednesday, for the first time ever, people actually cared about something Dennis Kucinich said or did. Actually, I take that back: This is the second time. The first time was when he was mayor of Cleveland and the citizens there were like what are you doing? They cared then.
But earlier on Wednesday, Kucinich announced his decision on Obama's health care plan. He had been against it — a firm no — because the plan did not contain a single-payer system. Kucinich is a progressive and he's out in the open. Here's what he had been saying about the plan:
REP. DENNIS KUCINICH, D-OHIO: Anytime I can support the president, I'd like to. I just — except on this bill, I signed a commitment with 77 other members of Congress, saying that if there was not robust public option in the health care bill, that was presented to the House, I wouldn't vote for it. I kept my word.
If you don't have a public option, the insurance companies have a license to just steal money from people.
I wish that they brought that public option back — I supported it in committee. And absent of a robust public option, I don't know what there is for my constituents.
Got that? He believes there is absolutely no reason to vote for this bill without the public option. It would take an Earth-shattering, chill-you-to-the-bone moment to change his mind. Something like this experience:
KUCINICH: Uh, I did. And the rest of the account — it was an unidentified flying object, OK?
Maybe that's why President Obama decided to do more than call Dennis Kucinich to change his mind on health care. He invited him aboard Air Force One to chat about it. Maybe it was an abduction. Whatever it was Congressman Kucinich left Air Force One a different man than when he boarded.
Here's Dennis Kucinich on Wednesday:
KUCINICH: I've decided to cast a vote in favor of the legislation.
Wait, I thought there was nothing in it for his constituents? So why would he change? There are three possible answers:
 He was told if he votes for health care, they'll tell him what's in Area 51
 They opened the cargo door of Air Force One mid-flight and "negotiated"
 The president assured him this was just a starting point; that we'd get to universal health care eventually.
I know, right now some bloggers are saying, Oh, Glenn that's crazy. President Obama's plan doesn't have a public option, you right-wing religious zealot, Jesus-hating fear monger.
OK, then how do you explain this:
THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: It is my belief that not just politically but also economically, it's better for us to start getting a system in place — a universal health care system signed into law by the end of my first term as president and build off that system to further — to make it more rational — by the way, Canada did not start off immediately with a single-payer system. They had a similar transition step.
Transitioning a system is a very difficult and costly and lengthy enterprise. It's not like you could turn on a switch and you go from one system to another.
That sounds an awful lot like the end goal is government-run health care. As the president said, it's what they did in Canada. I'm not a betting man, but I would be willing to wager that the conversation aboard Air Force One sounded very similar to that last sound clip of Obama: Don't worry, Dennis. We will get there.
It's the only explanation that makes any sense and it's right in line with what many powerful progressives (including Obama) are preaching: Just get your foot in the door and we'll build from there. It's their own words.
Here's audio from the George Soros' Tides Foundation:
JACOB HACKER: Someone once said to me this is a Trojan horse for single payer. And I said, well it's not a Trojan horse, right? It's just right there! I'm telling you: We're going to get there — over time, slowly.
And from Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky:
REP. JAN SCHAKOWSKY, D-ILL.: And next to me was a guy from the insurance company who then argued against the public health insurance option, saying it wouldn’t let private insurance compete. That a public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single-payer.
My single-payer friends, he was right. The man was right.
And Tom Harkin:
SEN. TOM HARKIN, D-IOWA: As I said before, this bill is not complete. I've used the analogy of a starter home in which we can add additions and enhancements as we go into the future. But like every right that we've ever passed the American people, we revisit it later on to enhance and build on those rights and we will do that here surely.
I mean, how many examples, America, do you need to realize that it doesn't matter what passes, it's just a foot in the door. As if you needed more evidence, Nancy Pelosi was quoted saying: "We won that fight and once we kick through this door, there'll be more legislation to follow."
Dennis, how did you miss all of this? Did you want to pass the bill the right way out in the open or something? Are you the only ethical Marxist around? Did you not read Saul Alinsky: The ends justify the means?
Seventy-three percent of Americans want Congress to scrap the bill and start over. America, I want you to understand what this bill is in no uncertain terms:
 This will be, in the end a Canadian-style single-payer health care system. If anyone thinks that's good, count the number of hospitals on this side of the border that cater to Canadians. Ask Canadian politician Danny Williams who came over here for surgery because they didn't have any specialists
Speaking of that:
 According to the New England Journal of Medicine, if this bill is passed nearly one third of physicians would quit practicing medicine
 This is about power and money. The unions along with government will control your health care along with government, enforced through the IRS
 You are going to pay for this without any benefits until 2014
Do you think that the government is actually going to take your money and put in a safe for two to four years and not touch it? That's the only reason why the bill doesn't cost more, because you don't get any benefits for four years — you're paying in, with nothing in return.
Let me show you a picture: These are the actual lock boxes. They just opened them to start cashing in the IOUs. There is no money in them. But between now and 2014 this money will be spent on everything else but health care. By that time the government will control every aspect of it.
This is why America doesn't want this bill. But that doesn't mean we don't want reform. There are millions who want health care reform. And let me be clear: I am one of them. But a public option — especially when it's crammed down America's throat in the cover of darkness — a Trojan horse that's not really a Trojan horse — is not the right kind of reform.
There are easy ways to actually make the current system — which, let me remind everyone, is the best system in the world bar none — better. Did you know that the top five U.S. hospitals conduct more clinical tests than the entire country of Canada or Sweden or Great Britain for the entire year? There's a reason world leaders and millions of others come here for health care.
Our system is better. But there are easy ways to make it even more superior to the utopian Canada or U.K. system (where 22-year-old hospital patients are dying of thirst).
Start with tort reform. They say they have it in the bill, but that is a Trojan horse as well. It actually punishes states that have already implemented liability reform. So, if you already have caps on liabilities, you are not eligible for funding grants.
Allow insurance across state lines. Instead of doing that, this bill caps premiums and allows any pre-existing condition to be covered. The guy next to me said that'd put the private insurers out of business — well, to quote Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky: He was right!
— Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel 

P.2. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About.... (gasp!) HISTORY!

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Glenn Beck: Brett Baier grills Obama on healthcare

Audio Available: 
March 18, 2010 - 13:09 ET
GLENN: Last night Bret Baier said, if this is so important, I mean, why do you have to bribe people and arm twist? The answer, I think, spoke volumes.
BAIER: You know, we asked our viewers to e-mail in suggested questions. More than 18,000 people took time to e-mail us questions and these are regular people from all over the country. Lee Johnson from Spring Valley, California: If the bill is so good for all of us, why all the intimidation, arm twisting, seedy deals, and parliamentary trickery necessary to pass a bill when you have an overwhelming majority in both houses and the presidency? Sandy Moody in Chesterfield, Missouri: If the healthcare bill is so wonderful, why do you have to bribe Congress to pass it?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Bret, I get 30,000 letters or e-mails a day.
BAIER: I know you do.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: And I could read the exact same --
BAIER: But these are real people. It's not just Washington punditry.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Listen. I've got exactly the same e-mails that I could show you that talk about why haven't we done something to make sure that I, a small business person, am getting as good of a deal as members of Congress are getting and don't have my insurance rates jacked up 40%. Why is it --
GLENN: Stop it. Stop it. Do you notice what he's done here? He didn't say, what bribery?
PAT: No.
GLENN: He didn't say what arm twisting? This is Saul Alinsky. Now, when it comes to process, I don't care about process, this process I do because it speaks volumes about us and volumes about what's happening in Washington. When we say, oh, well, the process doesn't matter, yes, it does! You can judge a tree by its fruit and the fruit is bribery and corruption, so you know if it's a good tree or a bad tree.
Now, with this being said, I implore you to reach out to your friends and make sure your message is not about politics. I said to you before that our country, really the world as we know it, okay, the economy, global economy as we know it is sinking. It is the Titanic and it is going to go down. I hope I'm wrong, but the bailout looks like it has failed in Greece. That was the story from Bloomberg this morning. There's another story out today that Spain is in real trouble and the headline was: As Goes Spain, So Goes the World. . I don't know if it's going to be Spain or Greece or California or what it's going to be, but at some point the dominoes are going to fall and we are all tied together to stop nuclear war. That's why this -- that's why this is so bad, because people who are far smarter than you and me, without us knowing about it, tied the global economies together because that's the only way to stop a world war. They did it in the 1940's and 50's and 60's and they announced it in Tragedy and Hope, which is a book from, I think, 1962. Carroll Quigley, the guy, he was a scholar at Harvard and George Washington university. He's the guy responsible for getting Bill Clinton in as a Rhodes Scholar. He's been -- he was an advisor for almost every President known to man and he said, I was part of it that tied it together. And the tragedy was war. The hope was we're not going to have a global war anymore. Why? Because we've tied all of our economies together so people know if there is a global war, it will sink the entire world, the entire global economy will collapse. So, it doesn't matter where it starts. It doesn't matter who caused it. What matters is what then? It doesn't matter about healthcare. I mean, it does because I believe, as I have told you before, healthcare -- this isn't about the healthcare issue. It never has been. It is about control and power. It is about a machine that they will turn on. It is a cage.
There is a story today in the paper about moody's. It's been floating around -- it was on the front page of the New York Times yesterday or the day before. Even I didn't catch this one line. One of my researchers said, Glenn, how come you haven't mentioned this? And I said read it to me again. What? Moody's is the ratings service. Now, remember, you've got to take moody's with a grain of salt because it's a quasi Government organization, but moody's is the one that rates credit. So, in other words, the banking credit, country wide's credit, everybody. The ratings service to say who's got good credit, who doesn't. The same kind of service that got us into this mess in the first place because they said, Oh, yeah, these CEO's, they're good. So, they're not. Do you remember when the crash first started to happen and they were, like, why were these things rated so highly? Well, because people were in bed with each other. The banks were in bed with the rating service. So, when they would come out and evaluate the value of your house, the bank put pressure on them, keep that up, keep it high, et cetera, et cetera. Well, that's what's happened with moody's now. The pressure is on to keep the American credit rating high because we can't have our credit downgraded. Why? How does this affect you? Because if they downgrade our credit, it works just like your credit card. If you have bad credit, your interest rates go up. If the we have bad credit, our interest rates on our debt will go so high, it will consume everything. You won't be able to have healthcare. You won't be able to have roads. You won't be able to have strong defense because we have to pay the interest rate. What happened when everybody's rate on an adjustable mortgage went up? People lost their house. That's what is in -- on our horizon for our country now, but here's the line that was in that article and I've been warning against these two things for how many years? One, we will lose our credit rating if we don't turn around; Two, there is trouble on the horizon. Moody's, in the same article, we -- the United States has made too many critical moves in the last year. They're making things worse. The situation is worse, not just because of the moves but because the worst is not behind us. It's still ahead of us, and there is a real substantial risk of the United States losing its credit rating. First fact. The second one I saw today. Because the world is so unstable, what is ahead may loosen the bonds of society.
Now, what the heck does that even mean? It will loosen the bonds of societal cohesion. What that means is civil unrest. You are seeing it already in Europe. Jerry Brown yesterday said, Now it's the union's turn to fight, so we don't have to. There is going to be societal unrest, maybe, hopefully, God help us, not in America, because if there is societal unrest at this point, we are not prepared as a people. We are going to head for a French revolution, not an American revolution. That one ended in the guillotines. That one ended horribly, because the people had a misunderstanding of what they were fighting for and God did not play the role. It was a misinterpreted God. We are not ready, do not -- there is a story today out of Alaska from a group that says, Hey, I know, you know, we've got a long way to go, but arms are still on the table. An armed assault or an armed revolution is still on the table. It must be taken off the table. It must be taken off the table or things will end like the French revolution, which ended in Napoleon.
So, what I'm coming to you today with is you're not -- I don't think -- I'm not and I just told my staff today, I don't care about ratings. I don't care about money. I've got to keep the show on the air so we all are employed, but I have been saying for a long time there are many things that I believe that I shall never say but I shall never say the things that I do not believe. I am telling you today something that I have not said before but I have believed.
Time runs short. Now is the time that you shore yourself up and you stand for peace. Faith, hope, and charity. You must be the guardian of your own freedom. You must be the guardian of your own family. You must -- if you have been standing on the sidelines in any way, shape, or form, if you've been listening every day and saying, Okay, well, I -- you must get off of the sidelines and you must stand peacefully, even if it is just in your own home. You must begin to think the unthinkable. You must think out of the box. You must, you must look -- prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you are listening to the sound of my voice today, you are listening for a reason. You are here for a reason, and there's an article today in the paper about this is -- what's about to happen to us is equivalent to Pearl Harbor. It is, but it's not the event of healthcare that Pearl Harbor -- it wasn't just December 7th. It is the years after that changed the world. Be prepared to be a peacemaker.

P.1. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About.... (gasp!) HISTORY!

Health Care Battle Part of Larger War

March 19, 2010 - 1:23 ET

 Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel
Throughout the course of American history there have been, periodically, events so dramatic, so huge that they were completely life altering; they changed the way people went about their day:
 When the Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor
 When the Framers signed the Constitution
 The Civil War
 Pearl Harbor
 September 11, 2001
All of these events didn't just happen to the immediate people involved. They grabbed each and every citizen at his core and forced people to reevaluate who they were and what they believed, before moving forward again.
Pearl Harbor was a hugely important day, but that wasn't the end of the story. America had a choice to make. And as everyone knows, the decisions that followed over the next few years after that deadly December 7 attack radically changed America's course.
That is what's coming.
If you think I'm talking about the health care bill, you couldn't be more wrong. The health care bill is merely a battle (and a huge battle; it may be Normandy) but it's part of a bigger war. And the war is the fundamental transformation or restoration of this country. That's the end game.
While everyone will focus on the political games surrounding the health care bill — the "Slaughter rule"; the secrecy; the arm twisting; the bribes; the lies — and they should address those things, there is something much bigger — much bigger than Obama or Bush or Clinton. We've been off track for decades and it's finally catching up with us.
How have we allowed our system to make this type of bill a possibility? Americans need to ask that question and find the answers, because even if this health care bill is stopped there will eventually be another massive corrupt bill and another and another
We have to fix the entire system. It's broken.
I read a report today that the Greece bailout deal is falling apart. Their markets tanked on the news. I read another report that said if Spain goes into default, the whole world goes into default. There was a report that barely got any news: Moody's saying that America may lose its Triple-A rating. But there was a small line at the end of the article that got even less attention — I even missed this one the first time through. This is incredible. Have you heard anyone out there focusing on this?Moody's said for America to stay a Triple-A rated country, it would require "fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion."
Let me translate: "fiscal adjustments" — you are going to less, not more; "social cohesion" — Greece! They believe society may experience some sort of breakdown. But the fiscal adjustments must be made.
During TARP discussions, Congressman Brad Sherman said members were told if they didn't pass TARP, there would be martial law. Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski was told that without the Fed intervention of an electronic bank run, world economic collapse would have happened within 24 hours. I'd like to know: What are they being told about health care today?
Whether health care is stopped or not, world finance as we know it is going to reset. And the president knows it.
This bill is the centerpiece of progressive structure. Remember, this isn't just health care. It's a grab of all education dollars as well. This is a long-term strategy: Someone has to be standing when that evil capitalism finally fails us.
This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. The leaders there saw the writing on the wall. If you want the full story, read Stephen F. Cohen's "Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives." If you don't have time, google this: the Belavezha Accords.
They knew tough times and collapse were ahead, so they prepared for it by creating a structure. But in the Soviet Union, the opposite happened: They took a step toward freedom. While we are heading the other way: Dependency on big government. Because, as I mentioned, they will tell you that the free market failed us: People don't have jobs. They will say: Come, we'll make it all better.
This is a turning point for America. We are standing at a crossroads. We have to decide who we want to be when we come out on the other side.
I'm going to tell you a story. You tell me if it's unreasonable to draw these conclusions:
The 121 Walgreen stores in Washington state won't take any new Medicaid patients, saying that filling their prescriptions is a "money-losing proposition." If they say that, what does the government do to Walgreens? If other chains do the same thing, then the government has a choice: Do they let them continue to turn away Medicaid patients or do they force them, through regulation, to accept Medicaid patients?
Well, we already know the answer to that one because we've seen it: They'll force them. And since it's a losing money proposition, the government will soon be faced with another choice: Do we let them fail or do we bail them out and nationalize the industry?
Well, we already know the answer to that one because we've already seen it: They will nationalize it. It's a cascade effect and it will happen in every industry that's deemed "too big to fail."
Take a look at the tree of liberty. Here is the side that everyone is paying attention to now:
 Special interests
But the other side is what we need to focus more on; these are the things that got us here:
All of those things lead to the breakdown of personal integrity, which leads to the breakdown of the family. And it allows corruption into our lives. It's what gives us Bernie Madoff.
Again, it's important to focus on the political side of the tree; it's important. Bret Baier did an amazing job doing just that last night, as he grilled the president and held his feet to the fire. But we'll be endlessly fighting the health care battle and the cap-and-trade battle and the green jobs battle and the tax battle until we fix the system.
How do you do it? Listen to this quote on George Washington from William H. Wilbur, author of "The Making of George Washington":
"Greatness of moral character, forthright honesty, quiet modesty, thoughtful consideration for others, thoroughness, kindness, and generosity. During the American Revolution, and for more than 50 years thereafter, young Americans were inspired to attain these qualities by the vivid recollections of men who had served with George Washington."
Each and every day you must remind yourself of three words: faith, hope and charity. They are seeds on the liberty tree. And these three things have been perverted over several decades.
We must plant them again.
— Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel