22 March 2010
Representative Paul Ryan - New American Hero & Patriot
6:14 PM

Below is the unexpurgated text of Rep. Paul Ryan's impassioned and correct bid Sunday night (3.21.10) to call the disgraceful, Socialistic "health care" bill what it was. These are the words of a a man with the soul of a Founder. One who truly, deeply, understands the grand American idea. I indulged the freedom accorded to me in my own little digital slice of blogosphere here to highlight my favorite parts!
Madam speaker, there is a lot wrong with this bill. We know the problems with its cost. We know it doesnt really reduce the deficit. We know that it increases health care premiums. The CBO has given us all of this information and its clear that what we have is a bill chock full of gimmicks and hidden mandates.
So Im not going to get into all of that again.
But what I will ask is this: why has this decision become so personal to our constituents? Why are so many people swarming the Capitol over this? Why have we received 100,000 calls an hour from all over the country?
It is because health care affects every one of us. And yet, here we are, debating whether the government should have a bigger role in making those personal decisions.
So make no mistake about it. Were not just here to pass a healthcare bill. We are being asked to make a choice about the future path of this country.
The speakers to my left are correct: this is history. Today marks a major turning point in American history. This is really not a debate about prices, coverage, or choosing doctors.
This is ultimately about what kind of country we are going to be in the 21st century.
America is not just a nationality its not just a mass of land from Hawaii to Maine, from Wisconsin to Florida. America is an idea. Its the most pro-human idea ever designed by mankind.
Our founders got it right, when they wrote in the Declaration of Independence that our rights come from nature and nature's God - - not from government.
Should we now subscribe to an ideology where government creates rights, is solely responsible for delivering these artificial rights, and then systematically rations these rights?
Do we believe that the goal of government is to promote equal opportunity for all Americans to make the most of their lives - - or do we now believe that governments role is to equalize the results of peoples lives?
The philosophy advanced on the floor by the Majority today is so paternalistic, and so arrogant. Its condescending. And it tramples upon the principles that have made America so exceptional.
My friends, we are fast approaching a tipping point where more Americans depend on the federal government than on themselves for their livelihoods -- a point where we, the American people, trade in our commitment and our concern for our individual liberties in exchange for government benefits and dependencies.
More to the point, Madam Speaker, we have seen this movie before, and we know how it ends. The European social welfare state promoted by this legislation is not sustainable.
This is not who we are and it is not who we should become.
As we march toward this tipping point of dependency, we are also accelerating toward a debt crisis a debt crisis that is the result of politicians of the past making promises we simply cannot afford to keep. Déjà vu all over again.
It is unconscionable what we are leaving the next generation.
This moment may mark a temporary conclusion of the health care debate - but its place in history has not yet been decided. If this passes, the quest to reclaim the American idea is not over. The fight to reapply our founding principles is not finished, its just a steeper climb. And it is a climb that we will make.
On this issue - - more than any other issue we have ever seen here - - the American people are engaged. From our town hall meetings, to Scott Browns victory in Massachusetts, you have made your voices heard. And some of us are listening to you.
My colleagues, lets bring down this bill - - and bring back the ideas that made this country great!
Congressman Paul Ryan serves the 1st Congressional District of Wisconsin. For more information please visit:
Damn that YouTube Again!
3:57 PM

Obama will brush this away like a fly if he ever grows a set and lets Brett Baier interview him again. "Legislating is ugly work...blah, blah, blah" and his sycophantic idolaters will let him get away with it. If any conservative at any level of government broke half as many promises on tape as this guy...
Next: Minister of Propaganda (aka FCC "Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd) to shut down all dissenting voices on radio/TV/internet in the name of "fairness." It would solve this whole YouTube problem very neatly.
Next: Minister of Propaganda (aka FCC "Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd) to shut down all dissenting voices on radio/TV/internet in the name of "fairness." It would solve this whole YouTube problem very neatly.
Next: Supreme Court?
3:34 PM

![]() | March 22, 2010 |
Now that the House Democrats have rammed ObamaCare down the throats of the nation by a vote of 219-212, the situation is indeed bleak. But Conservatives and Tea Partiers despondent over the fact that liberal Democrats just passed a massive encroachment on our liberties over their massive protests should take hope. James Madison saw this coming, and his forethought will give opponents of ObamaCare one last shot at killing it.
In Federalist #10, Madison wrote "Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." (Boy, did he ever get THAT right.)
Knowing that the nation's future leaders would include usurpers and potential tyrants, Madison sought a way to preserve individual liberty despite their efforts. He thus devised the system of the separation of powers. "[E]ssential to the preservation of liberty..." he wrote in Federalist #51, "it is evident that each department should have a will of its own" and "members of each department should be as little dependent as possible" on the other branches.
Passage of legislation by Congress and the signature of the President are not enough. The next step is judicial review by the Supreme Court, an independent and co-equal branch of government. (Already the states of Idaho and Virginia have vowed to sue the Federal government over ObamaCare, and the passage of the legislation will doubtless spawn hundreds of other lawsuits as well).
Madison was a brilliant enough thinker to understand that the separation of powers relied on more than each branch having the "necessary constitutional means" to resist the others. The separation of powers provided each branch with the "personal motives" to "resist the encroachments of others."
"Ambition," wrote Madison, "must be made to counteract ambition. The interests of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the [branch]."
Thankfully, the Court has an axe to grind with Obama.
Remember the State of the Union Address? In January, Obama took a cheap shot at the Supreme Court's courageous decision in the Citizens United case, upholding free speech and overturning key provisions of the "McCain-Feingold" law. Congressional Democrats whooped and jeered at the Court like obnoxious schoolboys. The Court was humiliated. Justice Alito shook his head in disgust and muttered that the President's remarks were "not true." In March, Chief Justice Roberts told an audience at the University of Alabama that the behavior of the President and the Congressional Democrats was "very troubling," and questioned why the Supreme Court should even bother to attend a "political pep rally." Roberts' remarks caused the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to issue a snarky rebuttal, again condemning the Court's decision.
It is quite likely that the "individual mandate" in ObamaCare requiring all Americans to purchase health insurance against their will is unconstitutional. But after the State of the Union dust-up, the Court has more than just technical legal motives to take up the case. Madison lamented that reliance on personal motives and ambitions "should be necessary to control the abuses of government" but understood that this was a "reflection on human nature."
I'm hoping that Madison's understanding of human nature was correct, and that Justices Alito and Roberts are chomping at the bit for the chance to get back at Obama and his Congressional goons for the humiliation they inflicted on the Court. A decision striking down ObamaCare, authored by Justice Alito, would be the ultimate smackdown.
Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/03/is_obamacare_headed_for_a_supr.html at March 22, 2010 - 02:32:19 PM CDT
How Grown Ups View FACTS of this "Health Care Reform" Legislation
8:05 AM

1. There's money to pay for 16,000 to 18,000 new IRS agents to enforce compliance with the "Health Care Reform" law but:
a. NOT DOLLAR ONE for new doctor training for the 30,000,000 new patients this law will "cover."
b. NOT DOLLAR ONE for new clinics, hospitals, medical facilities of any kind to handle the 30,000,000 new patients this law will "cover."
c. NOT DOLLAR ONE for Research & Development to continue our dominance as the finder of cures for all that ails us.
This is about CONTROL, aka, a contraction of your freedoms. Remember a "gaffe" in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. Just yesterday, Rep. John Linder told the truth: "A lot of us have been saying for a long time that this has never been about healthcare. It's about government." That's a direct quote.
2. Any moron can make 10 years of tax collecting pay for 6 years of coverage, which is what this new law does. What happens the next 10 years?
3. Forcing insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions is a lovely moral imperative, but will bankrupt them all. What happens then? Any moron can figure it out. Single-payer government healthcare. Picture yourself lobbying Congress for your MRI... How's that going to go for you?
4. This is the first time in the history of the Republic that a we will have to purchase a commodity in order to be a lawful citizen. That's demonstrably UN-AMERICAN and a very, very dangerous precedent.
These immature, gimme girls & boys used to instant gratification and helicopter parents are gleeful that the sun still rose this morning despite all our cries "that world will end" if this bill becomes law. Even their need for the destruction of our country can't wait! Well, those of us with a few miles on us know these things take time. It's coming. We saw it already with the situation with Walgreens in Washington. Why do you think that happened? Because government run healthcare "rationed" care by dropping reimbursements so low that it became toxic to a free market enterprise like Walgreens. That situation is our canary in the coal mine. More and more and more private medical enterprise will fall.
Just because it's historic, doesn't make it good. 9.11 was historic.
Just because it's change, doesn't make it good. A rash is a change.
FACT: The number one reason given by people who show up in the ER give "My doctor couldn't see me fast enough." 83% of the people that use the ER have insurance which is, coincidentally, the same percentage of people in America that have insurance. Hows that waiting time going to be impacted when up to 1/3 of doctors leave the profession as the New England Journal of Medicine just recently wrote they might, and as noted above, no additional infrastructure for care is in place?
FACT: Who is the number one denier of claims? Private or Medicare/Medicaid. M&M deny more claims than ALL PRIVATE INSURANCE COMBINED. Helooooo..... That's rationing...
Other than the Military, what has the Federal Government EVER run that hasn't gone into unsustainable debt or complete ruin? Just name me one.
None of the people who supported this bill can answer these concerns. They seem to be incapable of separating the need for health care reform, from the "fiscal Frankenstein" (The wonderful Rep. Paul Ryan's phrase) that this bill is. Nobody wants body parts falling off in the streets. We just didn't want this particular bill. All the sob stories on the House floor were an insult to that legislative body. They were preaching morals, not debating the legislation at hand. It was an embarrassment to this great nation.
As is every Progressive in Washington, most especially Mr. Barack Obama.
a. NOT DOLLAR ONE for new doctor training for the 30,000,000 new patients this law will "cover."
b. NOT DOLLAR ONE for new clinics, hospitals, medical facilities of any kind to handle the 30,000,000 new patients this law will "cover."
c. NOT DOLLAR ONE for Research & Development to continue our dominance as the finder of cures for all that ails us.
This is about CONTROL, aka, a contraction of your freedoms. Remember a "gaffe" in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. Just yesterday, Rep. John Linder told the truth: "A lot of us have been saying for a long time that this has never been about healthcare. It's about government." That's a direct quote.
2. Any moron can make 10 years of tax collecting pay for 6 years of coverage, which is what this new law does. What happens the next 10 years?
3. Forcing insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions is a lovely moral imperative, but will bankrupt them all. What happens then? Any moron can figure it out. Single-payer government healthcare. Picture yourself lobbying Congress for your MRI... How's that going to go for you?
4. This is the first time in the history of the Republic that a we will have to purchase a commodity in order to be a lawful citizen. That's demonstrably UN-AMERICAN and a very, very dangerous precedent.
These immature, gimme girls & boys used to instant gratification and helicopter parents are gleeful that the sun still rose this morning despite all our cries "that world will end" if this bill becomes law. Even their need for the destruction of our country can't wait! Well, those of us with a few miles on us know these things take time. It's coming. We saw it already with the situation with Walgreens in Washington. Why do you think that happened? Because government run healthcare "rationed" care by dropping reimbursements so low that it became toxic to a free market enterprise like Walgreens. That situation is our canary in the coal mine. More and more and more private medical enterprise will fall.
Just because it's historic, doesn't make it good. 9.11 was historic.
Just because it's change, doesn't make it good. A rash is a change.
FACT: The number one reason given by people who show up in the ER give "My doctor couldn't see me fast enough." 83% of the people that use the ER have insurance which is, coincidentally, the same percentage of people in America that have insurance. Hows that waiting time going to be impacted when up to 1/3 of doctors leave the profession as the New England Journal of Medicine just recently wrote they might, and as noted above, no additional infrastructure for care is in place?
FACT: Who is the number one denier of claims? Private or Medicare/Medicaid. M&M deny more claims than ALL PRIVATE INSURANCE COMBINED. Helooooo..... That's rationing...
Other than the Military, what has the Federal Government EVER run that hasn't gone into unsustainable debt or complete ruin? Just name me one.
None of the people who supported this bill can answer these concerns. They seem to be incapable of separating the need for health care reform, from the "fiscal Frankenstein" (The wonderful Rep. Paul Ryan's phrase) that this bill is. Nobody wants body parts falling off in the streets. We just didn't want this particular bill. All the sob stories on the House floor were an insult to that legislative body. They were preaching morals, not debating the legislation at hand. It was an embarrassment to this great nation.
As is every Progressive in Washington, most especially Mr. Barack Obama.
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