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11 February 2010
What I saw just going to buy dog food this morning...
5:39 PM

I buy Gizmo's food from a little, locally owned pet shop down in Humarock, Pawsitively Natural. I was heading out this morning after the apocolyptic storm that left a really inch thin blanket of white, and was sufficiently dazzled by my lane (pix of that to come) that I grabbed my SLR.
So I cross the river toward the beach where the dog food store is, and I see surf crashing. The waves had to be 10 feet high. This is just the first one of more to come. (Click for a much enlarged view.)
So I cross the river toward the beach where the dog food store is, and I see surf crashing. The waves had to be 10 feet high. This is just the first one of more to come. (Click for a much enlarged view.)
I've got to stopped be stunned by the MSM hypocrisy or I'm going to stroke out.
3:24 PM

How can the left trash Brown for getting a book deal at 50, while not seeing the wild hypocrisy of enshrining Obama's two tomes when he's younger than Brown? Helloooooo......??????
I'd bet my house not one lefty ever questioned Obama's age when writing his two autobiographies the way they are questioning Brown's getting a deal to write one...and again, Brown is at least a decade older than Obama when he wrote the first one. At least....
I swear, if they could fix it so that the Gideon bible is replaced with "Dreams of My Father" in every hotel room nightstand in America, they would.
I'd bet my house not one lefty ever questioned Obama's age when writing his two autobiographies the way they are questioning Brown's getting a deal to write one...and again, Brown is at least a decade older than Obama when he wrote the first one. At least....
I swear, if they could fix it so that the Gideon bible is replaced with "Dreams of My Father" in every hotel room nightstand in America, they would.
MSNBC's Propaganda & I Remember the Coming Ice Age in the 70's... Does anyone on MSNBC?
3:19 PM

In my continuing effort to understand why the left thinks like they do, I troll MSNBC's website looking at clips and reading transcripts and headlines. I am continually struck by how misleading their coverage is! They deride Gingrich for saying that Reid was an American citizen, once, and points to that as GOP stupidity on national security. Ummmm... Gingrich has made dozens of appearances on Fox and gotten Reid's nationality right every time and more importantly he's not an elected official in charge of anything... national security or otherwise.
How about making a substantive, reasoned defense on everything else he said? No... that would be too hard, and not nearly as satisfying as walking away, sniffing smugly.
Once again the left calls anyone who disagrees with them stupid. It's getting to be such a constant tactic it's becoming cartoonish because it's so easy to call them on their facts.
The other headline that caught my eye was 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade.
It's not until the SIXTH paragraph that the story reveals it was just the temperature for the UNITED STATES ONLY...calculated by NASA...
"Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,' said Hansen.
On top of which, even NASA's data has been called into question in what many of us always knew was a completely bogus "global warming" fad. Those of us of a certain age remember well the coming ice age in the early 70's! These navel-gazing narcissists just can't temper their enormous egos enough to remember that weather records have been kept for an infintessimally small amount of time on our planet and whatever other data they turn to has been so hopelessly compromised that they it's laughable to those of us who aren't so arrogant to believe that we, god-like, can control the heavens...
All one has to do is look at the change in vernacular to know the truth for heaven's sake: In one short decade it's changed from "global warming" to "climate change."
How about making a substantive, reasoned defense on everything else he said? No... that would be too hard, and not nearly as satisfying as walking away, sniffing smugly.
Once again the left calls anyone who disagrees with them stupid. It's getting to be such a constant tactic it's becoming cartoonish because it's so easy to call them on their facts.
The other headline that caught my eye was 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade.
It's not until the SIXTH paragraph that the story reveals it was just the temperature for the UNITED STATES ONLY...calculated by NASA...
"Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,' said Hansen.
On top of which, even NASA's data has been called into question in what many of us always knew was a completely bogus "global warming" fad. Those of us of a certain age remember well the coming ice age in the early 70's! These navel-gazing narcissists just can't temper their enormous egos enough to remember that weather records have been kept for an infintessimally small amount of time on our planet and whatever other data they turn to has been so hopelessly compromised that they it's laughable to those of us who aren't so arrogant to believe that we, god-like, can control the heavens...
All one has to do is look at the change in vernacular to know the truth for heaven's sake: In one short decade it's changed from "global warming" to "climate change."
The Trouble with Community Organizers is...
1:59 PM

...once you solve the problem you organized to solve, you're out of a job. Thus, community organizing is actually the art of agitating convincingly... and surely not training to be Leader of the Free World... not by a long shot.
Article here: Dems: More Lack of Leadership from Obama
Article here: Dems: More Lack of Leadership from Obama
This is not the first time that members of Obama's own party have decried his lack of leadership. Al Franken busted a spring a week or two ago about it with Axelrod.
This shouldn't surprise anyone who has paid any attention to Vote-Present-Obama. This is his on the job training for his very first job ever that demands that he actually lead the way to a sure and certain destination with a sure and certain plan and he keeps coming up short because he's not sure or certain about anything he can talk about publicly because everything he really truly believes is anti-constitutional and it's p-ssing him off but good that we peons are getting in the way of his socialist utopia fantasies.
I am honestly thinking, no kidding, that we need to have a constitutional amendment that you can't be President unless you have successfully met a payroll at least once in your life. Really.
posted by annie fields |
What about Biden Taking Credit FOR IRAQ????????????????????
12:47 PM

UPDATE: I posted the (black) text below several hours ago and then it occurred to me: Joe Biden was on Larry King last night saying that Iraq will be a crowning achievement (or words to that effect) of the Obama administration.
They TRASHED the war. TRASHED the surge. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. If Joe had had his way Iraq would have been balkanized. WHAT THE???????
It's BREATHTAKING, their hypocrisy, really. Gee, you think Ms. Rachel will run clip after clip of her boys trashing the war just like the video above? I would BET MY HOUSE she will not.
There are some assertions here I could bicker with, but Maddow makes a compelling case for GOP hypocrisy here. It's TERRIBLE television. I mean REALLY boring. No wonder their ratings s*ck, but she makes her case... But I must respond to her "party of no" assertions this way:
Just because they're hypocrites doesn't make them wrong but they SHOULD be voted OUT OF OFFICE... And if they vote no against something of Obama's I would wager because it increases rather decreases the role of government in our lives and/or increases the debt, so on those grounds, I'm all for it, but holding up checks for money they voted against? She's right. Wildly hypocritical and grounds for voting them out of office.
The reason so many of us are watching Scott Brown and Sarah Palin so closely is that so far they've told the TRUTH and have the COURAGE OF THEIR CONVICTIONS.
All these hacks in Maddow's piece holding up checks representing funds they voted against should be ashamed of themselves. That's not to suggest that I think the stimulus was a good idea... I don't. I think TAX CUTS could have resulted in far more sustainable growth and NOT impoverished our nation even further than it already is. Can you imagine how much money would start moving through the economy if we gave SIGNIFICANT tax breaks to employers and a SIGNIFICANT payroll tax cut? OMG. Know how I know it would work? BECAUSE EVERY TIME IT'S BEEN TRIED IT HAS WORKED. Let me repeat that.
Oh, and one other thing: I wonder if Maddow will take Obama to task for his "read my lips" moment when he said he's "agnostic" on the subject of taxing incomes less than 250k...
Michelle Obama on Palin / Obama "Agnostic" on Tax Hikes on Incomes less than 250k
9:47 AM

First of all, I gotta give props to the First Lady for her handling of Larry King's question to her the other night about Sarah Palin. It was a perfect answer. Very classy. Very classy. Which, naturally, leads me to believe she was prepped for it by someone who, atypically for the White House crew, offered some non-snarky advice.
I know. The props to Mrs. Obama didn't last long. I never said they would.
Secondly, "he who shall not be named" (so named because the minute you mention his name, certain people's capacity to breathe normally and listen without a jaundiced ear evaporates) is reporting this morning that Obama has had a "read my lips" moment.
Evidently, he has said he is, and I love this "artful" word, AGNOSTIC on the subject of tax hikes for those earning below 250k. See the full article here.
Has he heard of YouTube? Do I even have to link to the dozens and dozens of times on the campaign trail that he said "not one dime" or do we all remember it very, very clearly... It's not like it was a one-off, you know? Not like it was off-mic, off-the-record, off-the-friggin'-reservation!!!!!!
AAAAHHHHHHH! They have to-have-to-have-to-have-to think we're stupid. There's just no other explanation, is there?
If a conservative screams and there's no progressive willing to hear them, does it still make a sound?
I know. The props to Mrs. Obama didn't last long. I never said they would.
Secondly, "he who shall not be named" (so named because the minute you mention his name, certain people's capacity to breathe normally and listen without a jaundiced ear evaporates) is reporting this morning that Obama has had a "read my lips" moment.
Evidently, he has said he is, and I love this "artful" word, AGNOSTIC on the subject of tax hikes for those earning below 250k. See the full article here.
Has he heard of YouTube? Do I even have to link to the dozens and dozens of times on the campaign trail that he said "not one dime" or do we all remember it very, very clearly... It's not like it was a one-off, you know? Not like it was off-mic, off-the-record, off-the-friggin'-reservation!!!!!!
AAAAHHHHHHH! They have to-have-to-have-to-have-to think we're stupid. There's just no other explanation, is there?
If a conservative screams and there's no progressive willing to hear them, does it still make a sound?
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