03 April 2010

Where Hate Speech REALLY Lives

Let's see where we stand at the end of a looooong couple of weeks of liberal hysteria. Despite $100,000 offer for proof from any one of the 40,000 people clearly seen in the crowd holding up cell phones and video cameras recording the entire proceeding, absolutely ZERO proof emerged for the allegation that the n-world was hurled, the f-word was hurled and just yesterday, the allegations from the congressmen themselves were withdrawn. Case closed on all of it, including the childish spitting charge. It was desperately irresponsible for MSNBC, et.al. to go 24/7 certain they had Tea Party violence.

Then there's the inanity of a politician posting a map of battleground states with crosshairs on it as targeted opponents in an electoral race as somehow violent. This is the vernacular of campaigns and grown-ups know it. To suggest that it is somehow an incitement to violence is beyond the pale.

Then there's the obvious absence of what wasn't looped 24/7 that would have settled the whole matter: A Tea Party member bashing the crap out of someone with their sign... Or some such thing. Don't you think if they had it they'd show it non-stop? If they had proof, you'd see it looped on it's own cable channel for God's sake.

So let's see where actual hate speech really lives. Where identity politics really lives. You'll notice that conservatives, who are routinely accuses of being jack-booted racists, register policy complaints, not race complaints, as it routinely alleged. There are fringe lunatic exceptions, of course, but that's not who we are talking about. I'm talking about mainstream talking heads, like this one: