07 July 2010

Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe on MSNBC & I have a Twitter Exchange

I wake up this morning and someone has tweeted that Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's Morning Joe has called Nevada senate candidate Sharon Angle a "jackass." Given how much arrogance & contempt we've seen coming from politicians and media for the American people lately, and knowing what a noxious ideological bubble Joe lives in in Manhattan in general and MSNBC in particular, this struck me as plausible that he would let that fly. Having been a broadcaster for twenty years (just music, not news/talk, but I get the concept of hours spent day after day with a hot mic) I understand that a career ending remark can happen at any time. God knows, this does not rise to the level of career ending, but it's at the very least, ungentlemanly, and at most, a momentary lapse in his responsibility as a "credible" analyst of political news. Let me state for the record, I have no particular interest, nor have I closely followed the Nevada senate race except that I hope Harry Reid is sent packing. I imply no endorsement of Angle here. Don't know. Don't care, except to the extent as just stated. So! I tweet the first tweet listed below out, purposely putting "@JoeNBC" in it so that, if he hasn't blocked me (I don't know, don't particularly care who blocks me, so I figure, what the heck. It's like throwing spaghetti at the ceiling. He might see it. Might not. But I know he's an active twitterer because I follow him and other people who are themselves or are affiliated with "liberal" media so that I can, as always, learn something new and fact check my own assertions/beliefs/philosophies.) Then the gauntlet, such as it is, is evidently thrown down, then shortly, picked up by our pal, Joe Scarborough...

ANNIE: Did @JoeNBC *really* call Angle "jackass"? Has he been getting PR lessons from Pete Stark? C that h20 going down drain? LAST of MSNBC's cred

A little later, presumably having seen the previous tweet, and now on a different subject, Joe sends out the following tweet, then I reply and that starts the exchange:

JOE: Politicians in both parties continue to pursue a Wilsonian foreign policy that is radical and dangerous for America's future.

ANNIE: Uh... #GlennBeck's been on Woodrow Wilson's toxic policies for nearly 2 years now Joe. Welcome, again, late, to the party. Gawd...

JOE: So Beck's been talking about Wilsonian policies for 2 whole years?Gee Whiz! He's only 14 years late. You too, cowgirl.

Then Joe sends out another tweet to all (not just me) that I see and I reply again:

JOE: When the US changed it's Afghanistan goal from killing al Qaeda members to building a country, our leaders guaranteed an endless war.

ANNIE: Uh... again... Nation building, what Obama likes to call "colonialism" is EXACTLY what O is doing w/his p*ssy ROE. He's a COWARD.

JOE: Read your tweets ang realize that arrogance combined with ignorance is an unbecoming combination. "Gawd"? Really?

Now we're having Mitt Romney moment when the lady is "unbecoming." Granted, I admit, using the word "p*ssy" even with an asterisk, is, indeed, un ladylike. My bad. But I beg the mercy of the court that I am confined to 140 characters in twitter so a little shorthand, softened with an asterisk, is allowed.  Again, he's now shifted the argument from the matter at hand, to trying to discredit me, personally.  This is standard in liberal circles. They do it all the time when out of factual gas.  I will admit to being viciously sarcastic, but I have never, ever called Joe "ignorant." I don't regard him such. I just think he's wrong. Also, it's well known in Twitter circles that complaints on spelling are the last refuge of scoundrels. It's a complete waste of time, and again, a diversionary tactic. Twitter allows 140 characters, so the usual rules of spelling are not in play. Additionally, I explain my purposeful misspelling of the word "God" for "Gawd" in a later tweet, which you will see.  So! I fire off four tweets in quick succession then he tweets back again:

ANNIE: Once, just ONCE, could you tweet something with a clue in it? You are monolithically late, wrong, out of touch. Get out of Manhattan

ANNIE: Start reading ALL the London papers EVERY DAY, because your MSM ISN'T DOING VETTING/REPORTING. they ARE.

ANNIE: Read the Financial Times (of London, too). Read Business Insider. Read Investors Biz Daily. DO YOU GODDAMNED JOB, JOE!!!!!!!!!

ANNIE: This isn't about PARTY Joe. Bush's policies were *functionally* progressive. He was a DISASTER on MOST levels. PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP

JOE: See Annie, that's your problem. You hate Obama's Wilsonian policies but toucans Beck went along with Bush's adventurism.

ANNIE: "Bush's adventurism"? What? There's a euphemism. STOP THINKING ABOUT PARTY. Think PRINCIPLES-strip away ALL NOISE-THINK PRINCIPLES

JOE: Unlike you and talk show right wing extremists hacks, I oppose Wilsonian policies regardless of who is in power. #consistent

That was his last tweet to me. I replied with the following few more and, thus, it was over...

ANNIE: I don't CARE who is in power. The GEICO lizard would get my vote if he would bring a bill of enumerated powers to the floor!

ANNIE: I listen 2all sides, CLEARLY. watch MSNBC regularly (as much as I can stomach) I read EXTENSIVESLY-transcripts/unexpurgated sources

ANNIE: Stop stop stop thinking of Republican or Democrat. THEY ARE ALL ONE BIG NOISE NOW. Look at their ACTIONS... ACTIONS, Joe. ACTIONS.

ANNIE: BTW: I hv been harshly sarcastic w/my characterizations of u but I never, ever, ever, called u "ignorant"/*insulted* u way u did me.

ANNIE: ...Last thing... "Gawd" is meant to be an effort not to take the Lord's name in vain... Though I am NOT affiliated with ANY church.