29 January 2010
God Love Him.... He's One of Us...
12:13 PM

See Senator-Elect Brown being very natural and funny by clicking here.
I Really REALLY Mean It.
11:54 AM

It’s happened again. The “I really, really mean it” scenario.
The first time was with my medical insurance company; the second with the school nurse. When presented with a prescription, they needed a note from the doctor, saying, in essence, “I know I wrote this prescription, and that should be de-facto proof that I meant for these pills to be dispensed and consumed as ordered, but just in case you weren’t sure, I really, really mean it.”
Let’s follow the chain of custody in this scenario, shall we? For simplicity’s sake, we’ll use the most recent episode of “Really, Really Mean It” with the school nurse.
The child visits the doctor with Mom. Mom and doctor agree on a course of action which includes a prescription. Doctor, long in practice and known to the school for many years, hands Mom, also long in practice (as a Mom) and known to the school for many years, a prescription. Mom takes the prescription to the local pharmacy, again, known to the school as a legitimate source for prescription drugs. Pharmacist asks Mom to show a driver’s license. Pharmacist deems license and prescription to be legitimate and that the drug may legally be given to Mom to dispense to child. Mom brings the now filled prescription to the school nurse, along with the information on the drug that was stapled to the bag when she picked it up from the pharmacy. On the bag and on the label of the bottle is the name of the well known pharmacy and the doctor long known to the school. Mom, again, long known to the school says, please dispense drug as ordered: one pill at lunch time.
Here’s where we go to the weird parallel universe place.
“I need a note from the doctor.”
“Huh,” I say, mouth agape.
“I need a doctor’s order,” the nurse says.
“Um... it’s prescription. Do you think the doctor was unfit to write the prescription when she wrote it? I was there. I saw her write it. She was not under the influence of any hallucinogenic substance. She was not having an epileptic seizure and have a pen in her hand and a prescription pad nearby and write it by accident. She was lucid, and intelligible and meant to write the prescription which I filled and is sitting before you.”
“It’s policy,” she says.
“Do you think she didn’t mean to write it?” I say, still trying to figure this out.
“No. But I need a note.”
“Saying WHAT? I know I wrote the prescription but I didn’t mean it until NOW?”
“There’s no need to be pugilistic, Mrs. Fields,” she says.
“I’m not, I’m just trying to understand why you need a note in addition to a prescription.”
“It’s policy,” she says again.
That’s when I gave up. I’ve seen this movie before. I try to make sense of the nonsensical with someone who doesn’t have a prayer of seeing how nonsensical it is and I’m old enough now to know it’s not my job to teach them, and further, it wouldn’t work anyway...
We got the fax. My kid got the pill. And I still don’t understand.
The first time was with my medical insurance company; the second with the school nurse. When presented with a prescription, they needed a note from the doctor, saying, in essence, “I know I wrote this prescription, and that should be de-facto proof that I meant for these pills to be dispensed and consumed as ordered, but just in case you weren’t sure, I really, really mean it.”
Let’s follow the chain of custody in this scenario, shall we? For simplicity’s sake, we’ll use the most recent episode of “Really, Really Mean It” with the school nurse.
The child visits the doctor with Mom. Mom and doctor agree on a course of action which includes a prescription. Doctor, long in practice and known to the school for many years, hands Mom, also long in practice (as a Mom) and known to the school for many years, a prescription. Mom takes the prescription to the local pharmacy, again, known to the school as a legitimate source for prescription drugs. Pharmacist asks Mom to show a driver’s license. Pharmacist deems license and prescription to be legitimate and that the drug may legally be given to Mom to dispense to child. Mom brings the now filled prescription to the school nurse, along with the information on the drug that was stapled to the bag when she picked it up from the pharmacy. On the bag and on the label of the bottle is the name of the well known pharmacy and the doctor long known to the school. Mom, again, long known to the school says, please dispense drug as ordered: one pill at lunch time.
Here’s where we go to the weird parallel universe place.
“I need a note from the doctor.”
“Huh,” I say, mouth agape.
“I need a doctor’s order,” the nurse says.
“Um... it’s prescription. Do you think the doctor was unfit to write the prescription when she wrote it? I was there. I saw her write it. She was not under the influence of any hallucinogenic substance. She was not having an epileptic seizure and have a pen in her hand and a prescription pad nearby and write it by accident. She was lucid, and intelligible and meant to write the prescription which I filled and is sitting before you.”
“It’s policy,” she says.
“Do you think she didn’t mean to write it?” I say, still trying to figure this out.
“No. But I need a note.”
“Saying WHAT? I know I wrote the prescription but I didn’t mean it until NOW?”
“There’s no need to be pugilistic, Mrs. Fields,” she says.
“I’m not, I’m just trying to understand why you need a note in addition to a prescription.”
“It’s policy,” she says again.
That’s when I gave up. I’ve seen this movie before. I try to make sense of the nonsensical with someone who doesn’t have a prayer of seeing how nonsensical it is and I’m old enough now to know it’s not my job to teach them, and further, it wouldn’t work anyway...
We got the fax. My kid got the pill. And I still don’t understand.
Obama has gone to Crazytown...
8:23 AM

After hearing the President's SOTU, I am left to conclude that he is either: dangerously delusional or has acheived a level of arrogance never before seen in public life...or more frightening... both.
Below is the text from Glenn Beck's radio show the morning after the State of the Union. I heard it live and I don't think I've ever heard a radio host (and I've been in/on/consumer of radio for 20 years...) who I thought might actually BURST through the speakers on sheer force of emotion alone. As usual with Beck, some of it was laugh out loud funny, and some of it, to quote him, "makes blood shoot out of your eyes."
If you're among the population that thinks Glenn is an idiot, fine. Once again, I ask you, "What is he WRONG about and produce FACTS to support your position." Call him or those who think like him anything you want. Blah, blah, blah... FACTS please. FACTS, FACTS, FACTS. WHAT IS HE WRONG ABOUT?????????????
January 28, 2010 - 14:16 ET

When the president last night went in, I'm going to show you there's two things that should speak volumes to you, and it's amazing to me that the media is spinning one of them as, did you see what Alito did? He talked back to the president. I want to play this whole section here for you. I want you to hear what he did last night.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: To close that credibility gap, we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, ban the outside influence of lobbyists, to do our
GLENN: Stop. Is he not the guy who has Andy Stern, is he not the guy who says, hey, I want to talk about immigration, I talk to SEIU; I want to talk about healthcare, I talk to SEIU; your agenda is my agenda. He wants to stop outside influence? Oh, my gosh.
Then you have, he says that we have to restore a credibility gap. He's lying in his advice on how to repair a credibility gap because too many people think that Washington are liars, cheats, thieves. So let me lie to you and tell you what I do, which he doesn't on lobbyists. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked. Go ahead.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Work openly, to give our people the government they deserve.
GLENN: Stop. Stop.
PAT: Openly.
GLENN: He wants to work openly. How about honoring your promise of C Span hearings? He wants to work openly. Okay.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: That's what I came to Washington to do. That's why for the first time in history my administration posts on our White House visitors online.
GLENN: Stop. Stop! Because it was demanded through a Freedom of Information Act. How long did Fox try to get the Freedom of Information Act to get the White House visitors? "We post online." Months after, and not everybody. Believe me, we filed for the Freedom of Information Act. If you are a schlub that still thinks, we're America, we'll weather anything, don't worry about it, and you are just watching him, this is a brilliant speech. But I truly believe those days are over in America. What these politicians don't know is you are dealing with a different group of voters. You are dealing with people who are not playing politics. They don't care anymore. They are seeing the end of their children's financial future and they want the truth. You cannot push them like this. You cannot do it. He's raised the stakes beyond your wildest imagination. I think he's doing it intentionally as well. Arrogance. Go ahead.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: We've excluded lobbyists from policy making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions.
PAT: Listen to the reaction there. Because they know.
GLENN: I've never heard anything like it.
PAT: He's got lobbyists from Raytheon in his cabinet for electric utility companies.
GLENN: Goldman Sachs!
PAT: Goldman Sachs. Eric Holder himself was a lobbyist.
GLENN: I mean, it is Timothy Geithner's assistant is a lobbyist of Goldman Sachs. I mean, I'm going to show you the influence of big banks tonight on television. I mean, it's and listen. I have never heard. I'm not a guy who said Joe Wilson, I understand his frustration, but I don't agree with, you're in for decorum. This is the president of the United States. This is the state of the union. You know, when he says "Liar" or "You lie," I wasn't for that. But when you hear what happened last night and the groans, I got news for ya. His lies were breathtaking.
PAT: I don't think they could stifle them. I really don't.
GLENN: I don't think so. If I were in there, I would have done the same thing: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: I was at home doing it.
GLENN: I was, too. How could you possibly say that? I mean, and he expects to get away with it.
PAT: I woke up the kids yelling at this guy.
GLENN: The bigger the lie, the easier it is to swallow.
PAT: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: You what?
PAT: I woke up the kids yelling at this guy. So when they were groaning I'm thinking, you know
GLENN: The restraint?
PAT: Yeah.
STU: Red State put together a list of lobbyists after he said this line: William Lynn, Eric Holder, Tom Vilsack, William Corr, David Hayes, Mark Patterson, Ron Klain, Mona Sutphen, Melody Barnes, Celia Muñoz, Patrick Gaspard and Michael Strautmanis?
PAT: Those are just top jobs.
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: That doesn't even scratch the surface.
GLENN: That's not, okay, I got one in there, I don't know how he slipped in there. There's no attempt to stop these guys!
PAT: No.
GLENN: None, none. I mean, how long? We covered those for a week when he broke that promise and he started breaking it and it was like break, break, break, break, break, break, break. And we were like, where did that promise go? And nobody held him to it.
STU: And this goes back to the point you make over and over again about arrogance. He's got to know everyone knows this.
GLENN: He does.
STU: We've talked about it a million times.
GLENN: This is beyond arrogance. This is beyond arrogance. This also includes, the people are stupid; they'll never know. I'll just say whatever I want because it sounds good. I'll say it well. I'll do a good speech. I look presidential. They're stupid.
STU: You know who else was like this was Jon Edwards. I mean, this is stereotypical, him out there talking about his family, how much he loves his cancerous
GLENN: They are not afraid. This guy is more afraid of the left than he is of you. This is what our founders talked about. When there is fear of the government, there is tyranny. But when the government fears the people, there is freedom. They do not fear you.
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