23 February 2010

Obama, like JFK jr. Hiding under The Desk

Obama didn't get healthcare in 2009 because he lacked the political courage to pass such a sweeping piece of legislation with no Republican cover.  He knew it was unpopular.  He knew it would remain unpopular.  He knew it would grow more and more unpopular as it aged.  There was absolutely no legislative reason whatsoever, with the Democrat supermajority, that, if he LED, he couldn't have had it.  There was no legislative reason.  There was a character reason.  He lacked the courage of his convictions. Further, his breathtakingly unrelenting narcissism carried him aimlessly aloft from issue to issue, echoing the frenetic domestic policy activity of Clinton in his first year in the White House, only Obama presented a kind of global a.d.d.. One country's soul was too small to contain The Handy Man's Fix.  Everybody got the velvet hammer.

He tried to vote "present" again to get healthcare. That can work with 99 other Senators to carry you over the finish line.  It can work when the coin of the realm is compromise and all the little ways you sold your soul are hidden in the arcane matrix of legalese. Unfortunately for Obama, in the very first job he has ever held in his entire life where others expect and demand that he actually make a decision, and stick to it, there's only one chair and one desk in the Oval Office, and it's all, totally, absolutely, 100% his.  Unless you are a young John Kennedy, playing at the feet of your father, you can't hide under it.

The Republicans should demand transcripts of every word uttered in every meeting having anything whatsoever to do with healthcare to this point before word one is spoken on camera in this bipartisan circus Obama has set up for Thursday.  Michelle Malkin's idea to ask for those transcripts is absolutely brilliant, because if done, it would reveal the democrats to be the party of "no" that the GOP is accused of being.  "No" to everything except $300,000,000 bribes...

The last time we had very small children in the White House was President Kennedy, and it was charming, and lovely, and wonderful, even if, as the intervening years have revealed, an illusion.  What a totally natural, familiar sight it was to have young John playing there with his father.  We won't revisit was Clinton had going on under that desk, except to say that it was a kind of arrested development.  Obama has not been forthcoming with the American people about what he wants vis-a-vis healthcare, because depending upon which videotape you reference, the one from 2007, 2008, or 2009, his core concerns change depending upon who he's talking to.  When confronted with this, Obama reverts back to the childlike belief that even though a thing is there, right there, and everyone can see it, touch it, hear it, the simple act of saying it isn't so makes it not so.

Do we have another child under the desk?  

Fun with Olberman

Keith Olberman (If I've misspelled his name, I just don't care.) can be fun.  Really.  Not when you watch him, of course, but as material.  KO has accused (as have most progressives) the Tea Party of being too white.  Racist, in fact.



Tony from Harlem for President!

...well... that might be a little hasty.  But this call Glenn Beck's radio show is priceless.  And a gift to all conservatives everywhere.  Thank you, Tony, from (now) Purple Massachusetts!

Listen here.

Not New, but worth a Re-Look

Below is a video of what happens when you confront a liberal with facts.  They cut off your microphone.  The highlight?  The reporter, Phelim McAleer, asks Al Gore about his mistaken assertion that the polar bear population is shrinking.  Al says, "But do you think it's shrinking?" (this is all paraphrased) and Phelim replies, clutching what are presumably the statistics in his hand, "Well, the polar bear population is growing."  And Al Gore says, inexplicably, again, "But do you think it's shrinking?" and that's when it goes south.  (Perhaps Al heard the criticism that liberals "feel" and don't "think" and purposely chose the word "think" here, but it was really a "feeling" question" since he was clearly asking Phelin to disregard the demonstrable truth and agree with Gore's feeeeeling)

Obama Lying about ACORN... Again

Progressives will howl that this is taken out of context, or that the video was edited (it was), or that he didn't mean it, blah, blah, blah... Stop it. Your president is lying to you. Has lied to you. Continues to lie to you. Will lie to you tomorrow. And not about the usual political crap. (Rachel Maddow has spent God knows how many hours calling out GOP congressmen who didn't vote for the stimulus package standing there with big ARRA checks written to their constituents - Okay.  We get it.  They're hypocrites!  They should be called out, but this is news?  Night after night?  Whoadaddy. Hypocrisy on the Hill.... Wow.  There's some hard hitting investigative journalism.  Jesus.  It's so friggin' infantile I can't take it.  Really.  GOP bad.  Dems good.  Puppies cute. Cancer bad.  We know, Rachel.  We get it.  We know how you feel and what your political leanings are.  You've proven it.  Those bad Republicans committed hypocrisy and you and your viewers can feel all smug about it.  Fine.  You're right on the points and right to nail them on it.  Their bad.  Those of us on the other side are concerned about the big lies... not the little ones.  Let's move on, shall we?) Obama is lying bout his radical agenda for America. Just look at who he has and continues to surround himself with.  He is taking us incrementally away from the constitutional bedrock our founders left us and if we're not careful, we're going to wake up and discover the America we all thought would always be there, will be gone.

Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss.

Global Warming becomes Climate Change.
Liberal becomes Progressive.
ACORN becomes... pick a name.  Every state is different now.

Garlic?  Stakes through the heart?  Dancing naked under the full moon?  What does it take to kill these people?  Not literally, of course.  Don't email.  I mean it metaphorically!

Radical Lefties don't die.  They just change names.  Man.  They are tiring.... but we're stronger.  We have the truth to strengthen us.