Thank GOD for Andrew Breitbart! He linked to this video montage of Democrats discovering the Constitution back in 2005 when W. wanted the "nuclear option."
It's just too, too fun. Watch it here.
24 February 2010
Obama, 2005: Reconciliation is Not What the Founders Intended
11:53 AM

posted by annie fields |
Nuclear Option,
Obama on ACORN "Don't call ME. I'll call YOU."
9:19 AM

"He who shall not be named" - noted as "He" below (because the mere mention of his name makes some otherwise rational people irrational) ran through some famous political lies yesterday. Here are the Obama / ACORN lies that MSNBC/CBS/ABC/NBC/CNN/NYTIMES ignore because there's so much more important reporting to do. Like when the AP had ELEVEN reporters reading Sarah Palin's book and revealed... NOTHING. Like our friend Rachel Maddow who, last night, I swear to God, I'm not making this up, did an entire segment on why dogs bark. Really. You can't make this stuff up. The country economic structure is falling off a cliff, and she's devoting precious airtime on "The Place for Politics" to why dogs bark and her continuing series on Republican senators & congressman who didn't vote for the stimulus package posing for pictures with ARRA funded recipients... How about doing some work on the policies this adminstration supports that are HOSTILE to the free enterprise system? How about doing some reporting on all the business gasping and starving and dying and WHY they're gasping and starving and dying? Nah. That's icky. Let's all just have a group hug.
"He" And then there's this example, which mysteriously has drawn a chorus of yawns from the media: President Obama, while on the campaign trail, was asked about his relationship with ACORN. Here's how he responded:
THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: My relationship to ACORN is pretty straightforward. When... it's probably 13 years ago, when I was still practicing law, I represented ACORN. And my partner in that representation was the U.S. Justice Department, in having Illinois implement what was called the Motor Voter Law.
"He" That sounds so straightforward: He's got nothing to do with them. It's no big deal. But I want you to know this wasn't an isolated incident. Here he is again, this time at a presidential debate:
OBAMA: It had nothing to do with us. We were not involved. The only involvement I've had with ACORN was I represented them alongside the U.S. Justice Department in making Illinois implement a Motor Voter Law.
"He" OK — got it? Nothing to do with ACORN. Now, in the very same election campaign — in a video clip uncovered during a House investigation by Congressman Issa — here's what Obama said when being interviewed by ACORN, about a year before he was elected:
When I ran Project Vote, voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it.
Once I was elected, there wasn't a campaign that ACORN worked on down in Springfield that I wasn't right there with you.
Since I've been in the United States Senate, I've been always a partner with ACORN as well.
I've been fighting with ACORN, along side ACORN, on issues you care about, my entire career.
"He" Did we somehow misunderstand him? Is there another definition of "is" that I missed in this statement? In the same campaign season, he says these two statements:
OBAMA: And I definitely welcome ACORN's input. You don't have to ask me about that, I'm going to call you, even if you, if you didn't ask me.
OBAMA:: It had nothing to do with us. We were not involved.
"He" How do you make that work in your head and sleep at night? Here's the next question: How does the media sleep at night? Here is the president claiming he has nothing to do with a scandal-ridden organization, when in reality he's saying "I'll call you first"? On the very same day ACORN is in the news for dissolving nationally, the media has to go out of their way to miss this! Why are they silent?
"I Won't Always Be There to Save Your Little Butts."
8:31 AM

So much of raising children is connecting the dots. Making them see that if they can't learn to turn the light on in the closet when looking for a lost sneaker they will lack the problem solving skills to take an airplane flight alone across country to visit their cousins in California in the forthcoming summer.
They're connected, and I will actually lay it out for them. I will tell them, specifically, that they are connected and explain why but I wonder how much really gets through. Looking for things is a skill. A problem solving skill. If they lack the executive functioning to know that in order to find something one must have proper lighting, how will they remember to make a mental note of their seat so they can find it on the way back from the bathroom on the airplane? These are skills. These are planning skills. These are self-sufficiency skills. Skills that one learns through life. Through experience. Through being allowed to fail sometimes.
My twins have had some special education assistance their entire lives. They are now nearly eleven and a half in fifth grade. They have had a hard start in life. Challenges. Big, big hearts and a willingness to please, to be sure. They are really, really good kids, but we, her teachers and her parents are seeing what one teacher called "prompt dependence."
If it weren't for the assitance they have received, they would not be doing the grade level work they are doing, but I wonder how much of that help has robbed them of the skills necessary to survive. How will they manage when no-one is there to save them from themselves?
This is my constant worry and concern. It has been their entire lives. It is just that lately I feel I have been pushing the rock uphill... against the very people who are there to help them and I am stricken by gulit that I should even feel this way about people who are demonstrably well-intended, generous, and smart.
I've been telling my girls, ever since they were old enough to understand, that my job is to make sure they know what they need to know to take care of themselves "Because I'm not always going to be there to save your little butt." And I haven't saved their butts, over and over again, and suffered their frustration and anguish and tears right along with them while life taught them whatever harsh lesson life needed to teach them at that moment, but what haven't they been allowed to fail at at school? What have I missed? How can I even ask without offending?
They're connected, and I will actually lay it out for them. I will tell them, specifically, that they are connected and explain why but I wonder how much really gets through. Looking for things is a skill. A problem solving skill. If they lack the executive functioning to know that in order to find something one must have proper lighting, how will they remember to make a mental note of their seat so they can find it on the way back from the bathroom on the airplane? These are skills. These are planning skills. These are self-sufficiency skills. Skills that one learns through life. Through experience. Through being allowed to fail sometimes.
My twins have had some special education assistance their entire lives. They are now nearly eleven and a half in fifth grade. They have had a hard start in life. Challenges. Big, big hearts and a willingness to please, to be sure. They are really, really good kids, but we, her teachers and her parents are seeing what one teacher called "prompt dependence."
If it weren't for the assitance they have received, they would not be doing the grade level work they are doing, but I wonder how much of that help has robbed them of the skills necessary to survive. How will they manage when no-one is there to save them from themselves?
This is my constant worry and concern. It has been their entire lives. It is just that lately I feel I have been pushing the rock uphill... against the very people who are there to help them and I am stricken by gulit that I should even feel this way about people who are demonstrably well-intended, generous, and smart.
I've been telling my girls, ever since they were old enough to understand, that my job is to make sure they know what they need to know to take care of themselves "Because I'm not always going to be there to save your little butt." And I haven't saved their butts, over and over again, and suffered their frustration and anguish and tears right along with them while life taught them whatever harsh lesson life needed to teach them at that moment, but what haven't they been allowed to fail at at school? What have I missed? How can I even ask without offending?
At Harvard w/Valerie Jarrett
6:29 AM

Valerie Jarrett Excerpts:
Obama's 'BFF' Likes Idea of Simple Booklets to Educate 'Typical' Tea Partiers |
I think probably hope and change were so catchy because it was really very simple and it was something everyone understood the definition. That's why death panels were so catchy. Everybody didn't know what it meant but they knew it was really bad. And so I think part of our challenge is to find a very simple way of communicating. And it's hard to even understand what people are talking about. When I first got there they kept talking about cloture and reconciliation. And people don't know what that's talking about. They know what a preexisting condition is when they've been dropped from their insurance company.
Even if they are in favor of, let's say, a different form of healthcare, insurance to perform, fine. But what's happening is it's an anti government. I mean, that's the tea party. They really are trying to rebel against government at all. I think that that's... it's an extreme.
It's a lot easier to scare people and to get them angry when they are scared and they are already uncertain and I think that's what the tea party is trying to capture. There's nobody more self critical than President Obama.
The burden of being so bright is that he sees his error immediately. The president's staff and the president have been very actively involved in working with both the House and the Senate to try to get healthcare reform delivered. But ultimately the party, the people that deliver and vote on a bill are congress. If the president could do it unilaterally, he would have done it a long time ago, I can assure you of that.
Even if they are in favor of, let's say, a different form of healthcare, insurance to perform, fine. But what's happening is it's an anti government. I mean, that's the tea party. They really are trying to rebel against government at all. I think that that's... it's an extreme.
It's a lot easier to scare people and to get them angry when they are scared and they are already uncertain and I think that's what the tea party is trying to capture. There's nobody more self critical than President Obama.
The burden of being so bright is that he sees his error immediately. The president's staff and the president have been very actively involved in working with both the House and the Senate to try to get healthcare reform delivered. But ultimately the party, the people that deliver and vote on a bill are congress. If the president could do it unilaterally, he would have done it a long time ago, I can assure you of that.
There's so much wrong with this I hardly know where to begin. The arrogance? The pomposity? The hypocrisy? The terrible divisiveness? Has Obama (or his representatives) forgotten that he is President of the entire United States? Not just those who agree with him? He regularly insults and berates millions and millions of people! It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it.
First of all, talking about simple we all are at Harvard. No wonder she felt she could be so nakedly, shamelessly arrogant in that crowd. All that education. No smarts.
Second, taking about the use of fear to get what you want? Are you stinkin' kidding me? Her boss is the master of that... to get what he wants. Not to scare terrorists. Oh no. Mustn't make the terrorists nervous. That could p-ss them off and make them feel all icky about us big, bad capitalists. But it's perfectly acceptable to use words like "catastrophic" to push through a 1,000 page stimulus bill in less time than anyone could literally read it, never mind understand it, then blow God knows how much money (and carbon!) to take Michelle out to dinner in New York for Valentine's Day while the finished legislation sits on his desk for four days! I thought it was urgently urgent or the consequences would be catastrophic? Good thing you guys got a good meal up in Manhattan. Might've been your last, huh? The sky was falling! Did you get a doggie bag? In the pretty, pretty tin foil the rest of us wear on our heads? God forbid you stay home and, I dunno, have the White House chef whip up some arugula by candlelight. Yeah. The guy in the basement. I understand he can work magic with flour and butter. The rest of us? We'll be eating leftovers at home by candlelight. Because nearly one in five Americans is unemployed or underemployed and can't pay the electric bill. But don't let that bother you, big guy. The lady wants what the lady wants.
Thirdly, the assertion that Obama's so smart it hurts. Do I have to? Do I even need to go there, "corpse-man"?
Fourth, that he would have "unilaterally" given us healthcare if he could. Oh, I don't doubt that, comrade. The weight and import of that phrase cannot be underestimated. Remember, a gaffe in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. Heavily implicit in that phrase is the notion that if it weren't for the uppity riff-raff (read: moderate & conservative democrats who wouldn't go along to make a supermajority) and those pesky serfs, those annoying peasants, err, citizens mouthing off with scary, extremist signs, like "Stop Spending" or "No More Taxes" we might have had private hospital suites and sponge baths for all. And don't email me and tell me about the teeny, tiny, nearly invisible minority of lunatics in the Tea Party movement. The same network that found those few signs in the crowd last summer and rolled that footage on a continuous loop is the same network that purposely cropped some video to show a sidearm on a man they said was a violent white guy endorsing anarchy and violence... but was, in fact, a black man making peaceful, lawful use of his constitutionally protected second amendment rights. There is no way the network could have seen the raw footage and not known that they were perpetrating a fraud. No way. Every movement has lunatics at the fringe. Even the ones the progressives agree with, but the right doesn't hold up a few anecdotal pieces of evidence as final judgement. The right just adds it to the heavy, heavy pile that makes our case. Oh... and that really was fear-mongering. Of the worst kind. See how the hypocrisy just never ends with these people?
This video has me so upset, I'm going to have to leave now and come back to it. It's early, and I can't physically manage this much outrage this early in the morning.
Check back for updates as my blood pressure will allow.
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