21 February 2010

Obama: Redistribution of Wealth, FORCED by Gov't Regulation is "Neighborly"

"What's the big deal?" Obama LITERALLY says here. "What's the big deal?" "What's the big deal?" I'll tell you what the big deal is! IT'S SOCIALISM! It's ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL. Helooooooo? Anybody LISTENING out there??????? Only the first minute or so is relevant here. The rest is on the issue of his birth certificate. BTW: When explaining to my children what taxes are, and why grownups hate them, I explained the concept of redistribution of wealth to my children this way: What if you got 100 on a test and the kid next to you got a 60. The teacher walks over with a pencil and changes both scores to 80 so you're both the same and every body is even. How do you feel? THAT'S REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. And for the record: I'm not anti-tax. We need to have some sort of system in place for all of us to have "skin in the game" of keeping us safe, etc. It's the CONFISCATORY taxes I object to!

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